Tuesday, April 26, 2011

BBQ - Kettle Grill charcoal strategy

Encirclement strategy. When cooking for long periods of time on a kettle grill the encirclement strategy is a great option. This method works by placing a ring of charcoal around the meat and allowing the fire just enough oxygen that it barely burns around the ring. It provides stable cooking temperature for as long as six hours and it cooks all sides of the meat evenly.

Place a stainles-steel bowl, with a 12 inch diameter in the of the kettle. Fill the bowl 1/2 way with water, seasoning and fuit juice. Create a C shaped ring of charcoal around the bowl, light the charcoal and once started fill the gap. When the charcoal turns white close the lid and begin the cooking process. Keep the grill dampers wide open until the desired temp is reached, then close all dampers 1/4 in per opening

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